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Koen Van Loon

Customer Experience Rep.

"I bit the bullet, resigned from my job, and set off on a solo adventure across Europe on my KTM 690."

I had a passion for motorcycles from a young age. When we went on holiday with my family, and I was asleep in the back of the car, I would wake up shouting "motorcycle" whenever I heard the noise of a loud exhaust passing by. I got my license when I was 24 and started riding on the street, but that wasn't very exciting in the Netherlands, so I switched to the dirt for more enjoyable riding, that's how my love for adventure motorcycles was born.

I always had the idea of traveling after my education, but life happened, and it never came to pass. During my career as a building engineer, I became increasingly unhappy behind my desk. So, I made the decision to transition into a role that combined project planning with carpentry, aiming to infuse more excitement into my work. Initially enjoyable, but after a year, the restlessness crept back in, and the notion of embarking on a journey lingered persistently in my thoughts. I realized more and more that the ‘’white picket fence’’ lifestyle was not going to work for me. Feeling the need for real change, at 31, I bit the bullet, resigned from my job, and set off on a solo adventure across Europe on my KTM 690, riding as many dirt roads as I could. Without a concrete plan, the journey was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking, yet I was filled with confidence that things would turn out for the best.

And here I am, landing a spot at one of the coolest companies around, Mosko Moto! I love the adventure motorcycle community; it's laid-back, creates instant connections among like-minded individuals, and embodies a genuine willingness to lend a hand. For me, true travel and adventure should carry an element of rawness and challenge, embracing spontaneity over excessive planning. It's in those moments when things veer off course that the most memorable experiences unfold, often accompanied by unexpected acts of kindness from strangers. These are the moments that stay with you forever! Getting where I am now required hard work, unconventional thinking, a willingness to adapt, and seeing and seizing opportunities. These are the values I hold dear and take pride in.